to my
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What is my
mood today?


18 April 2004 - 1:31 am

Today was a big day. I got a lift with Sarah (the one I used to like) and her relatively new boyfriend Harry (not the guy at whose house I kissed Alex, he’s gay) to a wedding reception. This was not your usual wedding reception though. In 1999, the bride and groom were going to China for a year. They decided it may make things easier if they got married, so they did at the registry office, with two women from Dial an Angel (housecleaning and marriage witnessing services). It would have been too much of a fuss to get married quickly with their families joining in on the act. When they got back from China, they never worked out exactly how to say “Ummmm... did you know we’re married?”, so they kept it to themselves.

Fast-forward to 2003, and she falls pregnant. The groom is Henry’s brother, so Henry told me “There’s big news about B&G”. I said something along the lines of “They’re getting married? Having a baby? Yeah, big surprise...”, but the surprise was on me. That was certainly some news to test the efficiency of the grapevine, and the grapevine came up with the goods!

Today was a party in lieu of a wedding and to welcome the baby into the world. It was on a beautiful estate in the country, where I’ve been before, but at less formal parties. There was a marquée and everyone was dressed up. I got there and decided to wear the tie I had brought. There were too many people to see everyone properly, so in the end I neglected a few people to my regret.

One girl I spotted over a crowded lawn was the girl who inspired this comment (down the bottom of the page). Let’s call her Lucy. We had a great chat when we met on what would have been the 29th of February. She has a beautiful smile, long hair which she manages to tie up in a very sexy way, and glasses which are all at once nerdy but sexy. So until today we hadn’t seen each other, but I spotted her and made a mental note to talk to her at the earliest opportunity. This was unnecessary because she got to me first. We talked a bit but kept being interrupted before anything interesting happened.

Then I had to sing in a concert about half an hour away, so I left. Harry (both Harrys actually) was/were singing in the concert. The concert was long but went well, and Harry and I were thinking about getting back to the party, which would have got interesting by then, but we didn’t have any way of getting there except by taking lifts with people for whom it was really out of the way, which would have been too much of an imposition. I had considered hiring a car for all this but I’ve misplaced my licence. Actually I misplaced my licence 16 months or so ago and have only driven three or four times since then. This is the first time I’ve felt the need to spend the money and get it replaced. So Harry and I went back to Melbourne with everyone else and here I am. What I may have done was:

  • Go back to the party
  • Get drunk again (I had to sober up for the concert— but somehow sang better than I have for ages)
  • Spend some/half/most of the night chatting to Lucy
  • Maybe even really get to know her better...

(Back to reality— thump)

I can’t seem to get Marion in any setting that’s vaguely romantic, or even private at the moment. We’re both busy, so we can’t even get a date together. It’s my destiny to be interested in busy women. And Lucy is attractive and interesting enough to have me thinking about her that way.

No, I’m not making sense. I’ll see Marion in the morning anyway. Good reason to go to bed :)


Here’s an interesting entry I’ve been reading by .

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