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02 March 2004 - 11:14 pm

Alas I’ve been too busy to write diaries. Tonight I had the first rehearsal for my concert, with a choir of brave people reading through my music. I’m lucky to be very good at sightreading music, which makes it difficult to know what other people find difficult to sing. Given that I have conceived of and given painful birth to the piece, it’s difficult to see it from the point of view of someone who has never seen it before, but has to sing their line (one of several) without me being able to explain coherently what the ideas behind the piece are. But that’s the joy of a first rehearsal. By the time the concert comes around people know how their part fits in and hopefully enjoy singing it, and the slog is forgotten. Thanks everyone.

One of the pieces we’re singing can be found here. This is a performance from a couple of years ago. Oh yes, it’s tricky :-)

Sometimes one has the experience of buying something one has never needed to buy before. I’m sure there are people who could choose a stapler and buy the right staples for it in two minutes flat, but I’m not one of them. All the staplers seemed to have a limit of twenty sheets, except for the special one I bought. Alas all the brands have different ways of saying how many sheets they will staple. There’s whole world out there of staplers, earthmoving equipment, brake drums, and unfranked shares for me to explore.

If I meet another gorgeous, charming girl who has lots of interesting things to say and seems to like me, I think I’ll go insane :)


Here’s an interesting entry I’ve been reading by .

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