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09 June 2004 - 12:44 am

In the interest of getting to bed by 12:30 last night, I ended up quoting Willie Nelson without a pithy, witty comment to go with it. My reward for this bold manoeuvre (if learning French has had no other benefit for me, it at least means I can spell manoeuvre) was to lie in bed coughing a spluttering for two hours. The upside of this was that I’ll be tired tonight and actually sleep. I can’t guarantee that there won’t be any orphan country music lyrics quotes though.

Today Venus sailed across the sun and I was at work. If I had got out five minutes earlier I may have seen it before the sun set. I’m lucky though (if seeing astronomical events is lucky) as I was a little boy when there was a total solar eclipse in Melbourne. Even as a six-year-old (albeit one who corrected my first-grade teacher on how many rings Saturn has) I can remember everyone saying not to look at the eclipse as you would go blind. This page is quite amusing, especially its collection of newspaper clippings down the bottom— “Eclipse— The Girl Who Looked” and “Lock Up Children During Eclipse— Expert”. My dad took us outside and it was indeed very weird, and I still have my sight.

Marion sent me a very flirtatious email yesterday. Maybe she’ll be free on Friday. One thing I do know is that Heloise is having her birthday party on Saturday, and that her housemate is Mirabai, the flame-haired leader-astray of clean-living, upright young men. Oh, and me. The stupid, rouge-crazed section of my brain wants to see what she might try this time, whereas the microscopic sensible section knows that she has a boyfriend of some kind and that Marion really likes me. Luckily I’m comfortable with dichotomies.

What I learned today: I actually looked up ‘dichotomy’ (years and years after the post-modern English lecturer used it extensively) and was able to use it in a sentence. I also learned, years later than I needed it, the html codes for quotes, for example:

&‌lsquo; = left single quote = ‘

...and so on for right and double quotes. How many reference books did I go through looking for that? It’s not like they’re uncommon characters. Anyway, end of rant


Here’s an interesting entry I’ve been reading by .

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