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11 June 2004 - 12:54 am

This evening I sang Christmas Carols with a quartet at the British Consulate. They were putting on a Christmas in June party for travel agent types. Eden was singing alto, and said that travel agent types are weird. She should know, her father made his fortune as a travel agent. The Consul’s wife liked us, unlike everyone else who ignored our euphonous carols, but for $150, who cares. For that fee I was happy to dash off four-part harmony for We are Australian, which we all read from one copy. The words were given were a printout of that very link, and as you can see they’re a little sentimental. But we sang the verses as solos, and the chorus in harmony, and the Consul’s wife was in tears. I only noticed this when she kissed us all and I got rather wet, and had to wait a suitable time before I could wipe my face. In her defence, she and the Consul are back off to the Mother Country in two weeks. It’s nice to be able to make people cry.

That song has been suggested as a potential national anthem for Australia. The main problem is that Australians aren’t really into fervent patriotism, and while we love our country, we’re embarrassed to demonstrate our love in public. When the issue of a National Anthem was put to a plebiscite in 1977, 28% of people voted for Waltzing Matilda. It has a good tune, but it’s about a sheep-stealer who takes his life when the troopers arrive. While its popularity says a lot about Australians (such as our healthy disrespect for authority), it’s probably not suitable for a national anthem. In the end, Advance Australia Fair was chosen, because God Save the Queen was getting a little embarrassing. Though I notice the Royal Anthem still popular with certain Canadians. Heaven knows what the Quebecois would say if those guys got their way...


Here’s an interesting entry I’ve been reading by .

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