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11 June 2004 - 2:15 pm

A charmingly inarticulate note from Molly reminded me of this entry by her, and the entry I had forming in my head before I made the Consul’s wife cry. It’s about that fantastic time when you really fancy someone, and (for once) they really seem to fancy you back. You think about them 99.8% of the time, things like what you might do next time you see them, how gorgeous they are, and how you can impress them. You feel superhuman, and anything is possible.

It reminds me of one of my favourite movies, Punch Drunk Love, which beautifully captures that wonderful time in a relationship, and made Adam Sandler’s character feel capable of anything, even taking on embezzling thugs from Utah. I first saw Punch Drunk Love on the first anniversary of meeting Tiff, and it was a beautiful reminder of all the fantastic things that happened between us, which were less proximate in my head at the time than all the later crap that happened. Molly says she had forgotten the feeling, but it must be strong as it has her using multiple exclamation points and quoting lyrics to songs.

I read recently that being in love (or strong attraction or whatever) makes men produce œstrogen and women produce testosterone. Hence the girly pansy love-song-writing creature that was me a couple of years ago. And normally timid women who suddenly become sexual instigators. Nature makes an effort to minimise differences between the sexes. It must have some effect on gay men and lesbians, but I’m not sure exactly what.

This reminds me of a funny conversation I had at choir on Sunday with Sarah. She was complaining that she had lost her gown. I said that I had seen it in the men’s cupboard the week before and assumed she was keeping it there (the choir room is moving so everything is chaos at the moment). I warned her that she’d have to push her way through naked, sweaty men to get to the cupboard. “That’s OK” said she “I’m programmed to like it”. It’s always been a bit of a mystery to me why all women aren’t lesbians. Luckily for us straight guys they’re not though... without mother nature’s programming we’d be up the creek without a paddle.


Here’s an interesting entry I’ve been reading by .

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