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06 September 2004 - 2:02 pm

This entry by Niceguymike about the plethora of cleaning products available reminds me of when I was in my first bachelor pad with Rob, a good friend of mine whom I have somehow neglected to mention until now.

Anyway the phone rang one evening, and it was some woman doing a survey on household cleaning products. Rob handed the phone over to me, deciding that I was the primary cleaner in the house. She asked me what I used to clean this and that. I couldn’t remember most of the brand names, so sent Rob off to the bathroom and kitchen to retrieve the pertinent products. She asked about surface cleaners and I said we used some non-antibacterial product or other. She asked what we used for germs. I repeated the question “What do we use for germs?”. Rob said:

“We live in harmony with germs.”

That was when I realised that I did live in harmony with many kinds of germs, and if I did want to get rid of them, boiling water would do the trick (in the kitchen for example). Of course, a dry surface is even more fatal to germs, which is why there are millions of times more germs on a dishcloth than on a toilet seat.

I can’t really talk though, as I’m constantly trying to kill germs in my lungs, with ordinary and sometimes very serious medication. I’d probably be dead by now if I wasn’t born late in the 20th century, which is sobering... we all have to make the most of what we’re given, don’t we?


Here’s an interesting entry I’ve been reading by .

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