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26 July 2004 - 10:53 pm

I’m glad I shaved today (even though I shaved yesterday) because I (ta da)... kissed Marion today!!! Yay! After some under-the-table fingertip playing at lunch yesterday (as we’re not ‘out’ yet with the choir), I said I’d pop over when she finished work at 1pm today. At coffee, after I’d provided a few sushi-munching pauses in conversation, I brought up a few things:

Josquin: So... Josquin & Marion?

Marion: giggles nervously

Josquin: (pause) Should we ‘come out’ to the choir?

Marion: mutters something to the effect of “probably not yet”

(As you can see I’m not one of those people who can recall a conversation word-for-word)

Josquin: (after taking an inordinately long time chowing down some more sushi and playing with her fingertips)

OK, I give up, I have no idea what I said, and this whole situation reminds me too much of meeting my supervisor when I was trying to do my thesis having had done no work and needing to invent some. So suffice to say I said something more suave than “You’re so sweet” and kissed her, this time on the mouth. It was a little bit awkward, strangely enough, but this sort of thing doesn’t worry me with Marion. I feel we know each other really well, and should be able to get through any minor hurdles pretty easily.

By the way, according to the Which Jane Austen Character are You quiz, I’m Elizabeth Bennett and she’s Mr Darcy... and those two took a while to get together in the end.

Then we took a tram to Docklands and walked around a bit. Coffee on the waterfront was lovely. Then as we were waiting for her train at Spencer Street Station I kissed her again. Mmmmm... it was just fine. My hand still has a hint of the smell of her hair on it. Now it’s a few days of thinking about her every five minutes or so...

If this entry is a little incoherent, I can attribute it (rightly or wrongly) to typing it while watching Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Sex * But Were Afraid to Ask that Naoyuki had borrowed. I saw bits of it when I was a teenager, but now it’s hundreds of times funnier, especially the dudes with the bulldozer in the stomach— “Jesus Christ, Italian food coming down!” and the immensely hairy foreman of the ummmm... erection team.


Here’s an interesting entry I’ve been reading by .

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