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09 August 2004 - 11:59 am

Sorry for the lack of updates... the lovely (and no longer completely with us) Lia wrote the following comment in my guestbook:

Dude, what is it with may-september pairings and choirs? They seem to go hand in hand . . .

I’ve been thinking about that a fair bit, and would like to go on about it at length, but I just don’t have time to do a long entry at the moment, what with finishing a CD, getting ready to go overseas, and having what may be my most promising romance so far (not that there’s much else to choose from). So I promise I will address this issue, if only because I find it interesting.

What else is happening? I won’t bore you with the details on how sickenly romantic I’ve been being, or the quality of the coffee I’ve made for Marion, and I’m unfortunately too much of a gentleman to go into the matter of kissing in detail (and if I can’t tell you, dear Diaryland reader, who can I tell?). Compared to all that, the rest of my life’s not very exciting at all.

I had coffee with Eden and told her about Marion. It turns out she doesn’t dislike her, she just didn’t think she was as cute as I think she is. On the other hand, Jess, the somewhat older woman who was planning on giving me a jolly good rogering overseas, until I told everyone about Marion, thinks Marion is exceptionally cute, which is more my way of thinking!


Here’s an interesting entry I’ve been reading by .

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