to my
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What is my
mood today?


24 March 2004 - 3:21 pm

A composer girl was at work yesterday. Or should that be “One of the clients at work was a woman who is a composer”? This was the second time she had been in. The last time she seemed very inwardly directed, or like her music, hard to fathom. Also there yesterday was a guy who is among the best in his musical field in Australia. Probably for him, she was oozing sex appeal and had an amazing perfume on that even I noticed.

My thoughts were directed elsewhere though, and at the end of the day I turned on my phone and got an SMS from Marion. Earlier in the day I had realised that both her and I were busy for the rest of the week, except possibly for that evening. So I had to juggle the following two asking-for-a-date principles for boys:

• Ask her at least a few days in advance to let her look forward to it.
• Actually ask her, for goodness sake!

In the end I decided not to take the easy SMS-way-out, rang her, and left a typically inarticulate message. Her gracious reply was that she was busy but was definitely up for a date. When we’re both free. Alas in my experience interesting woman=busy woman. But she put a smiley in the SMS, which was cool.

In the evening when I finally got home I toyed with the idea of seeing a movie, but went to the video store, and got an overnight, a weekly and an ex-rental copy of Punch Drunk Love (in case I’m ever entertaining a lady and want to get her in a romantic mood) all for the price of a movie ticket. Go me. I was so tired that I went to bed at the unprecedently early hour of 11, so it probably was a good thing I didn’t end up going on a date. Great company I would have been. Humph!!!

On Monday I lashed out and bought a different coffee blend. I believe the lighter beans have more caffeine in them. Mmmmm... caffeine.


Here’s an interesting entry I’ve been reading by .

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