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What is my
mood today?


22 March 2004 - 12:24 am

I could spend my days contemplating my latest project and enjoying gracious fellowship and kinship with my fellow humans... or I could spend the day at an eight hour barbecue (I cannot spell that word), take the train home and design an awesome banner. Actually it wasn’t that bad. Roger came home on the train, which was great as he’s smart enough to understand what I’m talking about, even if the discussion is high-level musical or mathematical concepts, or even really technical stuff. This is really cool because it reminds me that it’s possible to discuss these things without losing people, which is unfortunately what usually happens. Even if he’s floundering he doesn’t get a glazed look in his eye.

We saw Cradle 2 the Grave which was quite cool, especially the apartment building jump, but I was disappointed to find Jet Li did it with wires. Also we saw The Transporter which delivered Luc Besson’s usual combination of excellent action and frustrating lack of character development.

Earlier Marion had come along to the barbecue, which I hadn’t expected. I tried to wangle my way into her car on the trip down (she needed someone to help navigate to Lisa’s place) but somehow Roger ended up in her car and I went with Lisa. Lisa and I have got on like soul mates ever since we met but not only did she not leave her very nice boyfriend, she went and married him last year. It was great to catch up with her. At the barbecue there weren’t any chances to talk to Marion alone but I found out when she is busy this week, a lot unfortunately. With all the fecundity demonstrated by our friends of late, Roger was considering putting a book on the next person in the choir to have a baby, and what odds he would give all the women and men of childbearing age. The girls’ chorus in unison was “Not yet!”, but we picked out a couple of likely favourites (absent of course). After Marion had gone, Alex (not the one I kissed) who knows her reasonably well said I should get together with her and there was a decided lack of competition from any dancers. This is excellent, but I’m dreading the telephone call with agreement to have dinner or whatever but then struggling to find a mutual time. Maybe I should go to dancing on Friday as I can sort of waltz. Sort of. Marion had cut her hair and was wearing different clothes to normal which was very fetching. So I’m going to have to do something about this. Or I’m a dill. Well we already know that, so we’ll have to make it “... And I’m a dill”. Much better.


Here’s an interesting entry I’ve been reading by .

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