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26 March 2004 - 12:24 am

On Tuesday the place where I swim had its 100th birthday celebrations, with a celebrity race and, according to The Age, a “sultry keyboard player”, who is a actually one of the lifeguards and to whom I should give some work if anyone wants a good keyboard player and singer for their party. But I digress. I was at work, but it got on TV and in the newspaper. Since then, there have been more people at the baths, which makes sense. What doesn’t make sense is that almost all of these extra people are pretty girls in bikinis. You can tell they’re not regulars because they don’t have goggles, so they’re generally breaststroking and backstroking, except for the brave ones who don’t mind their eyes being chlorinated. I can’t explain it, but it earns a Josquin Two Thumbs Way Up. Perhaps a 100th birthday every couple of weeks is in order ;)

Compelled by necessity and impending stinkiness, I went to the supermarket to get some deodorant. Woe and betide, the manufacturers have brought out a New! product line, which doesn’t appear to include my scent, Baby Powder. Before you scoff, I did a lot of research and time investment, and found out that Baby Powder is the sexiest scent for men to smell of, according to whatever percentage of women. It’s certainly more appealing than any of the scents I tried (although the aisle smelled a bit like an aromatherapy shop by the time I had finished), and no partner has ever complained about it. Believe me, when girls have one’s confidence, one’s scent is one of the first things they voice an opinion. So I have endured the day with Elements for men emanating periodically from my armpits, and the need to scour supermarkets for any remaining cans. Which all deserves a Josquin Two Thumbs Way Down.

On the tram tonight a Chinese girl sat next to me. She was talking on her phone and seemed to be breaking up with her boyfriend, sobbing and pleading and sniffing. Really sobbing. I concentrated on looking at the music I was reading through and put on my best bemused but sympathetic look. A Chinese guy sitting opposite us who seemed to understand her gave her a very sympathetic don’t cry look. Before this on the train, a girl was ringing people saying “Hi... I’m on my way to Clifton Hill... no... no... no, I don’t know you... how did you get this number?” In combination these two public transport telephoners get a Josquin one eyebrow way up.

I had dinner with Eden this afternoon. I didn’t have the nerve to tell her about Marion (she doesn’t like her). She’s very enthusiastic about her Information Management course and is wondering where to do a placement— some wacky place like an archive which would be lots of fun, or somewhere that would be good to have as experience. Tricky. By that time the pseudoephedrine (sounds cooler than cold and flu tablets) had worn off and I was all jittery. The cold has snuck up on me, so this morning I took some tablets, then went swimming and had a large coffee with all the energy I suddenly had. I’ve been able to get a clear answer from my doctor whether this energy is good, or whether you’re borrowing it from later. Perhaps I’ll try more tablets tomorrow without a lot of caffeine.

Marion just emailed me. She’s so sweet. She gets a Josquin Two Thumbs Way Up :)


Here’s an interesting entry I’ve been reading by .

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