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27 March 2004 - 12:27 am

I was going to be spending my Friday evening at work, a thrilling prospect indeed, but everything finished early and I had time to go to a later show at the Comedy Festival while there are still cheap previews. As I approached the Town Hall, I saw Mick Moriarty from GUD as I was waiting to cross the road. “Cool”, thought I, “It seems to bode well for a good Comedy Festival”. Behind me someone was explaining “He’s been in Nepal for a couple of weeks”. I thought maybe he was talking about Adam Spencer, part of Triple J’s breakfast team. Indeed he was, for in the next sentence I was able to identify the speaker aurally as Mikey Robbins. And when I peeked discretely as I could, he was telling it to Paul McDermott, which is interesting because Mikey and Paul used to do the Triple J Breakfast Show back in 1997. So I got my ticket for Sarah Kendall and went off towards the obscure corner of the Town Hall where her show was. On the way there was a bar with a whole lot of people in party hats. I popped in to see if there was anyone I knew (as if!— I have by far the biggest appetite for comedy of anyone I know), which was no one, except for Rove, who walked in after me! Everyone says he’s short in real life, probably because he is a tad diminutive. Did he greet me? No, he made a phone call and looked anxious while he waited for someone to answer.

Sarah Kendall was very funny, perhaps a little unpolished. As usual I can’t remember any of her material, except where she talked about getting an enormous penis by responding to spam:

To: [email protected]
Subject: Have a bigger penis in weeks!!!!

Comedy puts me in a good mood and is good for my lungs, but being a Comedy Festival addict is bad for my wallet and makes me look like a loser because I go to more shows than all my friends put together. C’est la vie...


Here’s an interesting entry I’ve been reading by .

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