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05 June 2004 - 6:10 pm

I just made soup for a dinner party tonight. The last time I made soup was in 1984 for my German class. That time it was leek soup and this time it was pea soup, both yellowish, so I have a bit of a theme going there. Ha ha, going— get it??

I’ll admit I was a bit dubious about the ham hock, but I put it in, and after boiling it for an hour and a half, all the fatty skin separated from the bone and from the nice bits, so now the soup just has the nice bits. All that remains is for me to work out what to do about the two vegetarians (out of nine— the usual four couples together for 3, 7, 9 and 10 years plus Josquin). At the moment the too-hard basket is looking like an excellent option.

Must run... I’m being picked up in three minutes!


Here’s an interesting entry I’ve been reading by .

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