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mood today?


03 June 2004 - 11:19 pm

Starship Troopers has been on TV tonight. Like, did Dubya and and his buddies watch it and not realise it was a satire? It’s left me with a desire to see Wild Things, and anything that has Doogie in it.

Yesterday I went to the Children’s Hospital for the second time. The first time was when I was 21, and the nurse had a name tag with a puppy on it. This time I got a Thornberrys Band-Aid (I was there for a blood sample).

Speaking of Nickelodeon, when Kim put up her new template, I thought nothing of the spongy looking guy. Then a little later LJ mentioned SpongeBob, and I thought it was another of the shows I’ve never seen (although, LJ, Get Smart used to be on every Saturday afternoon and I feel like I know every episode. Would you believe most episodes? How about I can recite some lines that Max used more than twenty times? The Cone of Silence was my favorite). Then, in a moment of lucidity this week I connected the picture on the Vita-Brits packet (helpfully titled SpongeBob SquarePants) with Kim’s diary picture and LJ’s show. And my oh my, isn’t he a spongy little guy? And aren’t his pants so square?


Here’s an interesting entry I’ve been reading by .

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