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26 June 2004 - 2:01 am

I’m glad I rented Can’t Stop the Music this evening, having been a big fan of The Village People as a ten-year-old, along with my entire class. First it has Steve Guttenberg in it; apparently he’s being trying to forget it ever since. Then it has America’s 1976 gold medal-winning Olympic decathlete turned sports commentator, Bruce Jenner, in his first acting role. Apparently he looked at a few Humphrey Bogart movies and “Did the same as he did”. The chick, Valerie Perrine, had been in Superman... and of course the Village People.

Looking at it now, it seems very, very camp. Which is fine, except that it avoids the gay issue altogether. So early on in the movie there is a pumping nightclub where every single man is oozing gayness. The sort of men it would take a twentieth of a second to identify as gay— but each of them is dancing with a woman. It just looks wrong. Actually I did notice in a scene in Greenwich Village there were two men walking along arm in arm, on screen for at least a quarter of a second. But the filmmakers were too scared to try and market a ‘gay’ film to the general public, so in the end they lost both their regular and gay audience (though it got to number 1 here in Australia- go figure!). And then I got confused because the male romantic lead (Bruce Jenner) was wearing a crop-top T-shirt. Call me old-fashioned, but even with abs of steel, a crop-top T-shirt is not going to have the ladies running after you.

The music was fabulous, daaahling, and the dancing was great— in YMCA, when the two boxers faced up against each other, I had a feeling it was going to be no ordinary fight. And the change-room scenes were hilarious.

The DVD also had the trailer for Xanadu, which I have never even considered watching, that is, until I found out it had Gene Kelly in it...


Gene Kelly is a bit of a deity to Josquin the straight guy. This is because from what little dancing I’ve done, I can see that women find well-executed dancing sexy. And who dances better that Gene? Not an one.

Female dancing is also sexy. During one choir break, Lisa was talking to me and Thomas. Suddenly she saw our eyes glaze over simultaneously, as Alex (not the one I kissed) demonstrated the rhumba to someone. The rhumba has that cool wiggle in it. Mmmmm...


Here’s an interesting entry I’ve been reading by .

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