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28 June 2004 - 12:14 am

This afternoon at lunch, when most people had left, I managed a bit of clandestine hand-holding with Marion. If I manage to get her alone in a vaguely romantic setting, it should be a good date. With enough patience, maybe even two shy Cancerians can get together. Alas, once again we seem to have mutually incompatible weeks.

I read that New York is going to host the big Republican thingy, in a move that, a couple of years ago, seemed like a good idea— Dubya flanked by heroic firemen urging on the war on terror. Now it looks like it might be like the anti-globalisation protests in Melbourne that between September 11 2000 and September 10 2001 made the date September 11 notorious, at least in Australia. The World Economic Forum asked Melbourne’s Crown Casino if they could have their meeting there. All the resulting protests made the casino a fortress, and caused it to close for several days, the only time in ten years that that has happened.

Indeed, yours truly was there on the cold morning of September 11 2000, hanging with the hippies, students, older people, lefties and other people pissed off about globalisation. I was quite happy to leave the risky activities to the radicals (only a small proportion of people there) and avoid anything that looked like mob behaviour. I hate mob behaviour. It was very exciting, and it was only a couple of days later that the radical protesters and some police resorted to thuggery. And we still had a year left free from the sceptre of global terrorism.

This last bit’s for the lovely Hissandtell, because I think she’ll like it. Our one and only Molly Meldrum is known for being a hard partier and a little vague. Apparently he finished an overnight set DJing at the casino and staggered out into the light of day, and was completely surprised by thousands of protesters, not having heard about the World Economic Forum at the casino, and that the casino was going to be a virtual fortress with all the protesters. Ah, he’s our Molly.


Here’s an interesting entry I’ve been reading by .

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