to my
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What is my
mood today?


03 April 2004 - 7:27 pm

My voice is coming back! For a professional singer with a really big gig on Friday this is unqualified relief. Almost worth the two days of no fun I’ve been having. No singing, no alcohol, no going to the dance with Marion, no going to bed late. It was going to be no coffee as well, but when I convinced myself that making a cappuccino for myself instead of an espresso was OK I knew that battle was lost. The good news, on this Saturday night where I have grounded myself at home, is that The Gilmore Girls is on, and I am going to remember to watch. Here in Australia, Rory has just gone off to college, so it will be interesting to see how the writers and producers handle that situation.

Oh, I’m a manly man. There’s testosterone oozing from every pore. And Lorelai (if she existed) would be welcome at my place any time, with or without 17-year old daughter. But preferably without.

I had this crazy idea to send off a few postcards today, and managed to buy them, address them and get them stamped before I forgot about the whole thing. So now I just have to fill them with thrilling prose.


Here’s an interesting entry I’ve been reading by .

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