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26 August 2004 - 11:26 am

Wow! I got a mention in Diaryland royalty! It would appear Hiss (Australia’s own Diaryland royalty) and myself are Aussies who aren’t plagiarizing her. I was thinking about that as I walked though downtown Chicago with my sassy new shoes and cute kitten... Anyway, if you haven’t read Luvabeans, you should. One day she’ll be intensely poetic, and another day she’ll make a clever entertainment of the period from hell. And when I go to the little supermarket with the smaller but more interesting range of stuff, I think of her when I see the tins of fava beans for 89¢ I think of her, even though I always buy borlotti beans myself.

I’m sore in a few unusual places today because I took Marion ice-skating last night. As she wasn’t driving and I don’t have a car, I took her (without telling her where we were going) on the not-at-all-dodgy Dandenong line to Oakleigh, and then the 733 bus to the Olympic (how appropriate) Ice Skating Centre. I’m quite good at balancing, and Marion was OK when she held my hand. Alas, the only time she fell over was the one time I let her go. Apart from being crap ice-skaters, we were a regular Kitty and Levin (if you don’t understand that reference, you haven’t read Anna Karenina. Bad reader. Go to your local library). We would speed up a little along the straight and I would slingshot her around the corner, which was great fun, but I was powering both of us, which made me tire quickly. Luckily when we were resting there was little to do but snog and hopefully scandalize the 500 or so girl-guides who had come along.

The long bus ride to Marion’s railway line started promisingly with an empty bus, until at one stop suddenly the bus was half-full. When we were waiting at the station for her train, a guy asked us if we were the couple on the bus. His message was that he was encouraged that we were so nauseatingly lovey-dovey and told us his story, which was married for 23 years, recently divorced, with two daughters. That didn’t seem like much to look forward to, but I think he was saying to always be vigilant that everything’s going well in a relationship. At least that’s what I got out of it. Except that being divorced with teenaged daughters that you see two hours a week and who constantly want more phone credits sucks. Poor guy.

PS I’ve added a 64 things about me page (see the link on the right). It has lots of thing you probably know, and a couple of doozies you don’t...


Here’s an interesting entry I’ve been reading by .

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