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What is my
mood today?


12 December 2004 - 11:58 pm

I had a disturbing dream the night before last. I dreamed that I kissed another girl. The exact way it went was that I was in a situation I thought seemed dangerous, and suddenly she was kissing me. I felt really bad and was wondering what I should do about it. The absolute exclusivity that is implicitly (and explicitly — not that kind of explicitly) understood between us was gone, and I didn’t feel very good about it. Then to give my dream experience some closure, I saw her kissing someone else, which made me feel even worse. I know she’s rational and has a good reason for everything she does, but I sure as hell didn’t like it.

I spent a lot of uncomfortable mediation time wondering why I had that dream. Of course it’s a blessing because I had a preview of how I would feel if I were ever to be so stupid. And I have even more motivation to be the best boyfriend I can be. Maybe that’s why I was so amorous with her today at choir and at lunch. That and being a little frisky. The great thing about her is she has an appreciation for the level of romantic gesture that I like displaying. It has everyone else running for the bathroom and heaving their guts out, but Marion loves it. And no, it’s not rude, in case you were wondering. I would hate things to be otherwise, and I don’t see any reason why they should be, unless we get sick of each other (unlikely) or one of us does something really stupid. May that never ever happen.


Here’s an interesting entry I’ve been reading by .

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