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10 May 2004 - 12:26 am

Happy Mothers Day to all you mums and moms out there!

Yesterday I travelled to Albury (3.5 hours) with a mum and her two kids (nearly 4 and just 2) in the back. I was passing food back and talking cars with the car-obsessed nearly 4-year-old boy, and entertaining the 2-year-old girl, while making sure she kept her arms in the straps and wasn’t opening the window. Meanwhile mum was driving, managing them both, getting at every conceivable thing she needed (somehow everything was within reach) and chatting to me. I’m getting a new respect for all you mothers out there.

My mum told me a funny story about when I was 3 and my sister was 1. We were in a car trip somewhere with a great aunt and my grandma. There was the following turn of events:

  • Josquin hits sister
  • Sister cries
  • Grandma gives sister a lolly to calm her down
  • Of course, Josquin must have a lolly too

I got three lollies by hitting my sister before they realised I’d worked out the causal relation between violence and getting a lolly. The things parents have to cope with.

I thought Kim’s boyfriend application form had some interesting questions so I filled it out, even though I’m not really applying... of course, every word is the ummmm... truth. No... ummmm.... really. And it’s been edited a little for Diaryland consumption.

  1. What is your name?
  2. Josquin des Prez

  3. How old are you?
  4. 33

  5. Please describe your personality in 3 words.
  6. Easy going, complex

  7. Describe your perfect woman.
  8. Fiercely intelligent, red haired, opinionated (but those last two come together in a package). That said, the three women I’ve been in love with were a blonde and two brunettes.

  9. What are you interested in?
  10. Music, people (Big Brother fan), computers, science, theatre etc

  11. How did you find my Diary?
  12. You found mine I think... was it through Molly? She's a hoot

  13. Do you have issues?
  14. Nothing too serious

  15. Do you have "baggage"?
  16. Nothing that the love of a good woman wouldn't make me forget

  17. Have you ever been in love?
  18. Yes

  19. Have you ever lied to someone by saying "I love you?"
  20. I told someone when I was 19... more like being naive

  21. Describe your dream job.
  22. Being a composer and always working with professional musicians

  23. What are some of your goals in life?
  24. To write music of great beauty that can communicate to people. To fall in love and stay in love. Mutually :)

  25. Decribe your religious beliefs.
  26. I was raised as an ordinary Anglican (Episcopalean), then I read Bishop Spong, which has facilitated my metamorphosis into a very liberal all-questions no-answers sort of Christian (the kind fundamentalists don't like). Sometimes I have great theological ideas.

  27. Are you a virgin?
  28. No

  29. If no, then how old were you when you lost your virginity?
  30. Think embarassingly old and add five years

  31. If yes, then why?
  32. Do you have any hobbies? What are they?
  33. Big Brother, Warcraft III, my diary, swimming.

  34. Do you go to school? Where are you in school?
  35. Not any more

  36. Where do you live (city, state)?
  37. Melbourne, Victoria

  38. What are your thoughts on long-distance relationships?
  39. Bad idea. If I'm in love I think of the beloved all the time. It would drive me mad.

  40. Anything you want to say to me to convince me to pick you?
  41. Pick me, pick me! :)

  42. Any bad habits I should know about?
  43. A bit vague, sometimes disorganised, untidy (though I improve my tidiness markedly in the presence of women)

  44. Name a cause you feel passionately about.
  45. Refugees in detention in Australia, especially children being detained for years. It's disgusting

  46. Do you have a job? What is it?
  47. If I told you I’d have to kill you...

  48. Please attach a .jpeg photo of yourself.


Here’s an interesting entry I’ve been reading by .

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