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07 February 2004 - 1:48 am

Well, well, well... I had some nice neat plans for this weekend. Something like get a good sleep Friday night and go to the two parties on Saturday (it’s nice to still be invited to the occasional 21st at my advanced age). At the first party I was hopefully going to meet the intriguing Genevieve again and maybe get her number this time, unlike last time when I was too I don’t know what to. Then dance a bit at the 21st in the evening. So I was talking to Eden a couple of days ago, and she mentions the housewarming on Friday that I had totally forgotten about. Eden knows everything. She’s the trunk of the grapevine. Even though she wasn’t invited to this party. So my plans of a quiet Friday night were scuttled. I had to go to this party because socially I see quite a bit of the hostess’ newly ex-ed boyfriend and his new girlfriend, but I like the hostess and don’t want to take sides in their not completely friendly split.

Being sensible I decided in the end only to take three beers, because I wanted to leave before the last tram and get home early. Of course when I got there, who was there but Mary, with quite a bit of tropical punch under her belt. When you put Mary and me together we are a flirt machine. Though small in stature she has always has plenty of interesting things to say, tonight about being a (not very good) catholic. But who is a good catholic? So I had the usual conflicting thoughts about how cute she was and how young she is. Though I found out tonight she’s a year older than I thought, which would take her a little further through ‘probably not a good idea’ territory, inching towards ‘she’s pretty young for you’ territory. I also found out she’s a Pisces, which is always a good indicator that I’ll get on well. I’d definitely be sceptical of astrology if I wasn’t such a typical card-carrying Cancerian. I suppose it’s a one in twelve chance...

And of course as the party really started pumping I ran out of beer. Then (totally unexpectedly) Henry, Carlie and Euan all turned up and monopolised me, and Mary went to talk with another catholic boy. That’s one thing about catholics... they always get on well together. And one thing about me... I take way too long to decide to do anything romantic. Perhaps Valentine’s Day should be some kind of deadline- and it’s looming hard now.


Here’s an interesting entry I’ve been reading by .

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