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31 March 2004 - 1:28 am

It was cheap Tuesday at the Comedy Festival tonight, so I saw two shows myself, and bought Henry a ticket to the second one because it’s his 30th birthday next week. The first I saw by myself was called Postmodernism, Comedy and me with Sabrina George, and I went because it was at a convenient time. It’s hard not to be conspicuous when there are eight people in the audience, including what seems to be other freaks with a strong enough interest in postmodernism to see a comedy show about it. But this was not, as it appeared to be, a young comic making her way with her first show. No, she’s English, and is enough of a celebrity to be heavily involved in television over there. So like a true professional, she gave a performance for eight people as good as it would have been for a full house. It’s always a good sign to find oneself giggling inanely to oneself at nothing in particular after the show. So if you’re in Melbourne you should go and see her show because she’s very good, and if you’re in the UK you’ll be saying “Well duh, of course she’s good, she’s Sabrina George”.

The other show (after eating, going to the State Library and reading from a book called Sex Through the Ages) was Fiona O’Loughlan, who I’ve seen twice before and never been disappointed by. She tells ordinary stories, with a bit of creative embellishment, in such an entertaining way that I want to say to my friends the next day “It was hilarious! She was talking about being in the back of the car and her brother’s head would bob around in the front...”, but without her telling it it’s not as funny. Or funny at all. Note to self: if I ever want to be really funny, I must use my own material :)

I had an impromptu coffee with Marion on Monday, which went well, except when I noticed I was being ditzy and unfocused. I was having a ditzy day all round, really. I had Tuesday off as well, so made a list, got up, showered, and went through the list. By 1:30pm everything was done and I was wondering what to do next.


Here’s an interesting entry I’ve been reading by .

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