to my
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What is my
mood today?


20 June 2004 - 11:14 pm

My band had a good gig today, out in the country. Afterwards they gave us champagne within seconds of finishing. A bit later I thought someone had farted, but a couple of seconds later the hostess arrived with her (famously) smelly cheeses, which gave me a new and direct appreciation of the phase “cut the cheese”.

Later we went to the local pub and had dinner. For once I had a steak which was yum yum yum. When I had to go, Maisie, a girlfriend of a band member expressed disappointment that I was going. As I was about to kiss her goodbye I noticed Henry and Carlie kissing unusually passionately. I pointed it out, and made as if to kiss Maisie passionately. Unfortunately, when I was moving laterally, I somehow got her on the neck, enough (she remarked to everyone) to turn her on a bit. Oops. Memo to self: exercise caution when pretending to kiss someone passionately. I don’t think I got in trouble.

In other news I’m up to 42 Things About Me that I hope are at least a tiny bit interesting, and I’m struggling


Here’s an interesting entry I’ve been reading by .

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