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What is my
mood today?


30 May 2004 - 7:02 pm

I don’t grumble much, but today I’m going make up any shortfall. My second cold in two months arrived midweek, inspiring my nose into producing stuff unmatchable in quantity and disgustingness. I went to two good parties on Friday and Saturday nights but wasn’t able to let go properly as the cold & flu drugs wore off and made me grumpy. When everything was over today I was coming home and realised it was a big anniversary with Tiff. The first time we... you know. That was a good night. This put me into a brief melancholy that reading other diaries has taken me out of. Unfortunately Naoyuki doesn’t want to watch Punch Drunk Love, so the movie fare this evening could be a little less uplifting.

Enough of that... today I visited Ella and her new boy. Being an elective caesarian he had a finely shaped head. I have sometimes attributed my own well-shaped head (useful for short haircuts when it’s getting a little thin up there) to being a caesarian baby, though I believe I my head spent its fair share of time jammed in the birth canal, before the obstetrician realised he might not get to his wife’s birthday party and got the knife out. What makes this believable was that I was born at 6:01pm. Babies are easy- you just rock them, assuming they’ve been fed and they’re not sitting in poo.

Last night I achieved a long-standing ambition- to sing I Know Him So Well at karaoke. I did it with Marion (another Marion), the birthday girl, and I was damn good. What tattered straight-boy cred I had left was swept away when I sang In the Navy, along with my remaining voice, which I could feel ebbing away with every They… want… you! in what must have been the ultra-mega-extended remix. I’m straight, but sometimes a bit gay-acting. Why should girls and gay guys have all the good songs?

One of the girls at this 30th party was dressed as a Japanese schoolgirl. I kept wondering if it was OK to think she was sexy or not.


Here’s an interesting entry I’ve been reading by .

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