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What is my
mood today?


25 October 2004 - 11:09 pm

Yesterday afternoon, as I sat with Marion doing a crossword in a trendy café on a beautiful day in a suburb we don’t visit often (St. Kilda for those who know Melbourne; we’re very north-of-the-Yarra people), I felt like I loved her even more intensely than before I went away. I wouldn’t have conceived that as being possible, but there you go.

My aunt rings at awkward times: the first time as I had arrived the airport and was about to enter customs; the second at a very inopportune moment yesterday evening. I didn’t answer.

In Amsterdam I took the opportunity to get stoned legally, to see what it was like. My advice is that if you use ‘space cakes’, remember they take 90-120 minutes to take their full effect, and don’t have a second just because can’t really feel the effect of the first after an hour. I think one and a half would have had me just dandy. After two, the prospect of crossing the hotel room to visit the toilet without collapsing with laughter seemed impossibly difficult. Yup, I’m a giggler.


Here’s an interesting entry I’ve been reading by .

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