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mood today?


03 July 2004 - 12:39 am

Last night was the rehearsal for Roberto’s wedding. I’m in the choir and going to the reception. At the end of the rehearsal the bride invited everyone to dinner. I went reluctantly, after some prodding, because the financial part of my brain had, if not alarm bells, murmurs of vague uneasiness about my short- to mid-term financial situation. I ended up ordering conservatively and chatting with the bridesmaids. The one doing a PhD in how the human face forms in utero was very cute, at least to the old Josquin. The new Josquin told them that it was a pity that there was going to be a bridal rumba as ballroom dancing is a specialty of the girl he’s started seeing. Then he entertained them by being able to describe the colour puce.

I’ve been brushing up my rumba... I’m sure there’ll be a nice girl there who would dance with me, especially if I make an effort to lead. Girls like that apparently. It’s a shame Marion won’t be there though.

At the end of dinner the groom’s father paid for everything (ie. a small pizza and one beer). There is a god!


Here’s an interesting entry I’ve been reading by .

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