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02 April 2004 - 5:08 pm

Here’s a picture of myself today:
Josquin & Harry Potter
As you can see, I cut myself shaving, and it wouldn’t stop bleeding. The band-aid is a Harry Potter band-aid, courtesy of a particular pharmacist:

Me: I’m looking for some band-aids.
Pharmacist: Over here, sir. Would you like some of the Harry Potter band-aids?
Me: Ummmm...
Pharmacist: They only cost a little bit more, and we’re not moving any. (This was a while ago, between the annual periods of Harry Potter mania)
Me:Oh, OK.

I also just discovered that my QuickCam 4000 can take pictures, like above. Marvel at the quality! You can almost make out Harry, or whoever it is on that particular band-aid. Must go, anyway...


Here’s an interesting entry I’ve been reading by .

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