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What is my
mood today?


14 March 2004 - 11:52 pm

It was the concert today, it’s only 11pm and I have a hangover already. Serves me right. I only had the last pint of Kilkenny so that I could complete my set of four, to get another chance in the draw for a trip to Ireland. And if that’s not a good reason to have that last pint which is going to give you a headache by 11pm, I don’t know what is. Ouch... though I know a good reason for not getting somewhat inebriated.

The concert was great— good turnout, nothing too seriously wrong with the music, some really beautiful moments, and people who had been dragged along under duress quite enjoying it. Somehow, conducting makes me really thirsty— well, conducting, singing, people-wrangling, piano-moving, waiting for late people, and even delegating. The soloists sang beautifully (thanks to modern technology you can hear one of the pieces here, under “Aria”) and the choir was pretty good. I was even calm when the organist did his back in and I had to find another one at short notice. What would a good concert be without a behind-the-scenes crisis? Or me blabbering on between pieces...

I managed to get quite a few people to the pub afterwards; Marion was there but I didn't get a chance to say anything to her except across a crowded table. Perhaps I should email her (not having her number, which is a bad lapse of judgement). Or should I just jolly well get her number... perhaps by email? Or should I go to bed?


Here’s an interesting entry I’ve been reading by .

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